Due to COVID-19, the American Mathematics Competitions series hosted by the Mathematical Association of America was moved online, to the Art of Problem Solving website. This is an online platform intended to simulate the real online contest environment that was used for the actual test as closely as possible.
Begin by selecting the exam you want to practice using the menu above. After clicking the "Start exam" button, you will be taken to the exam and your timer will begin counting down. For multiple choice exams, select your answer by clicking on the respective button on the left side of the screen, and for short answer questions, enter your answer in the corresponding text box. If you wish to change or unselect your answer, either click on another option or click on the same option you originally chose, respectively. If you wish to leave a question blank, simply do not select an answer choice for that problem.
Once you have completed the exam, click the "Submit Test" button to end the test, or let the timer run out. The test will be automatically graded and you will be able to review your answers along with the questions and correct answers.
If you are signed in while taking the exam, your results will be saved. You can see a history of all your past exam results by clicking on the "Exam history" page. To see a detailed breakdown of an individual exam, click on the respective row in the table.
All problems are sourced from the MAA AMC series.
Your score is displayed below, followed by a table depicting your answers and the correct answers side-by-side for each question. Skipped questions are marked with a dash in the table. At the bottom of the page, you can find the problems of the exam, with your selected answer on the left side highlighted in green if it was correct and red if it was incorrect.
You have started the test and your timer is counting down.
If you are taking the AMC, click on the bubble corresponding to your answer choice to select it. Click on that same bubble to unselect it (counting as a skipped answer), or click on a different bubble to change your answer. If you are taking an AIME, type your answer into the text box. Leading zeroes are not required. Once you have finished, click the "Submit" button at the bottom of your screen, or let the timer run out.
Good luck!
Congratulations on completing the practice exam! The following paragraphs are a quick description of the AMC scoring procedures and steps. To view your score and a detailed breakdown of your exam, click on the "View Results" button below.
Scoring: In the AMC, correct answers are awarded 6 points, skipped answers are awarded 1.5 points, and incorrect answers are awarded 0 points. In the AIME, correct answers are awarded 1 point, and skipped or incorrect answers are awarded 0 points.
Qualification process: The MAA AMC is the process for selecting the six students to represent the USA at the International Mathematical Olympiad. After participating in the AMC 10/12, you may qualify for the AIME, and qualification for the USA(J)MO is based on combined performance between those two exams. Top scorers on the USA(J)MO are invited to a summer program, where, along with more exams, the IMO team is chosen.
Historical results: Past results (including cutoffs for old exams) can be found on the AoPS Wiki, found at this link.